
Start your system with Windows 7 ReadyBoost

Adding system memory (RAM) DVD to iTunes is often the best way to improve a PC’s performance. DVD to WMV However, upgrading memory Rip DVD to Hard Drive can be difficult and costly, and some systems have limited memory expansion capabilities, making it impossible to add RAM.

Windows 7 provides a new way to add memory to your system which is called ReadyBoost. Now you can use a USB flash drive, to improve performance without having to add additional memory to your system.

The flash memory device serves as an additional memory cache, which means that your computer can access the necessary data much quicker than it can access data on the hard drive.

It’s best to use a USB flash drive that you can spare and then plug it in an empty USB slot, preferably at the back of your system so that you won’t have it in sight. Now you should see a pop-up with the option “Speed up my system, using Windows ReadyBoost”.

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