
Managing Opened Windows

Showing the Desktop – click on the rightmost area in the taskbar which gives you the information (show desktop) if you mouse over.

Other way of doing this is by pressing: Windows + D. To revert to the previous state, click on the same area or press the same keys again.

Show the desktop temporarily – to temporarily view the desktop while opening an application, press Windows + Space. You may also mouse over the rightmost area in the taskbar which gives you the information (show desktop).

Live thumbnails – move the mouse cursor over the application's icon in the taskbar to get a thumbnail preview. If you opened five Internet Explorer windows, you'll be able to view them all.

Temporarily show an opened window – just mouse over a specific window thumbnail in the taskbar to momentarily display only the window corresponding to the hovered thumbnail.

Cycling Between Windows and Taskbar Icons - The following tips are helpful if you want to use your keyboard to cycle or navigate between opened windows or with taskbar icons.

Cycling between opened windows – press Windows + T to cycle between opened windows through thumbnail previews.

Cycling between taskbar icons – press Windows + (1-9) to cycle between taskbar icons. To open the first icon, press Windows + 1. To open the second icon, press Windows + 2, and so on. To minimize the opened window, press the same keys again.

Cycling between an application's opened windows – if you opened two or more Internet Explorer windows, you can cycle between them by pressing on CTRL and then clicking on its taskbar icon.

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