
Review for NZBVortex

The baby and able NZB applicant for OSX, optimized for achievement and affluence of use.

(MTS Converter for Mac | M2TS Converter for Mac | MTS to MOV Converter)

NZBVortex is actual fast in allegory to added usenet audience because it will try to abbreviate the download admeasurement and has actual fast postprocessing. NZBVortex will not alone skip not-required par2 files, but additionally is able to skip sample files (optional) and has a acute fast par2 pre-check alleged “SmartCheck”. SmartCheck is able to ascertain if a par2 analysis is appropriate at all; if not it will absolutely skip the lenghty par2 check! This is different in NZBVortex!

NZBVortex is actual affection complete and acutely acquainted for optimal download speeds and basal arrangement usage.

A absolute set-and-forget download application: add a NZB and NZBVortex will booty affliction of the rest.

NZBVortex features

Multi affiliation / threaded downloading

Articles are downloaded application assorted threads, optimally application mulitcore processors.

Optimized downloading (auto par2 skipping)

Only appropriate par2 files are downloaded, resu lting in up to 10% abate downloads.

Par and par2 verify and repair

NZBVortex will verify and adjustment the downloaded files automatically.

Automatic decompressing downloaded files

If all files are downloaded accurately the athenaeum are decompressed.


SmartCheck will ascertain if a par2 is bare or not.It will try to skip the par2 appearance if no par2 analysis is required.Experimental feature.

RSS augment support

NZBVortex is able to watch a RSS augment for nzbs and automated alpha download. Including a acute adventure filter.

Cleanup exceptionable files

This affection will cleanup all exceptionable files afterwards downloading, expressions customizable.

Ability to alpha postprocessing manually

Post processing takes a lot of CPU amount and deejay IO, this advantage allows you to actuate back YOU are ready.

Seperate download and Complete folder

Create a seperate binder for completed downloads so you absolutely can see what is done and what is not.

Shutdown back all downloads are completed

When enabled NZBvortex is able to put your Mac to beddy-bye back all downloads are finished.

NZB watch folder

When enabled this advantage enabled NZBVortex will adviser a binder for fresh NZB files and

start downloading by automated abacus begin NZBs.

Automatic cleanup files

If all files are downloaded accurately and all is candy able-bodied the exceptionable files are automatically bankrupt up.

