
Microsoft has Launched Showcase Website for Mobile


So the US mobile edition of Showcase site has recently been launched by Microsoft. This site has temporarly named mobile! According to a research, there are over 16M visitors accessing microsoft.com through mobiles each year, which has inevitable revealed the tendency that more and more users a looking beyond the desktop. And if you are in US, you can text to keyword VIDEO to  47201. Standard texting rates may apply.

A recent report from Nielson indicates that the general industry mobile video audience grew 51.2% from the previous year, surpassing 20M users for the first time.  With such a healthy increase in videos viewed through mobile devices, this new entry point for Showcase allows users consuming video content from Microsoft on their mobile device, and provides an easy-to-use yet high-quality mobile video experience, extending our abundant video offering to a broader audience. It is for sure that this mobile site is going to lead a new tendency of sharing and streaming video via the net, for it has fulfilled the demands of many MS fans. The creativity of users is endless and also fantastic.

The latest features from Showcase Mobile are concluded as below:

  • Share video content with others via social bookmarking (Email, Facebook, Twitter) as well as SMS
  • Search, discover and play 5000+ videos on a variety of mobile devices such as Windows Phone, Android and Blackberry
  • Search and engage with custom video channels
  • View video through Low/High streaming and/or Download
  • Find other Microsoft mobile-optimized sites in one click…and much more.

Moreover, according to the tests, all new videos submitted to the (US) Showcase catalog will be encoded for mobile streaming, simultaneously making each video discoverable on the mobile site, as well as the existing PC-optimized site. And in additional to video streaming, Microsoft Showcase is also running a pilot for mobile display advertising.  

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