
Windows Live Messenger 2011 Review

Windows Live Messenger, ahead accepted as MSN Messenger, was renamed as allotment of Microsoft's move abroad from Hotmail, appear the Live online community. Now the best accepted IM app in the apple has assuredly accomplished adaptation 2009.

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The best arresting affection in the fresh Windows Live Messenger is an all-new interface with a bright design, far from the acceptable Windows appliance structure. You can adapt it by allotment your own affair and blush scheme.

In adjustment to advance the neatness of this design, the card bar in Windows Live Messenger has been hidden beneath a few buttons on the top-right bend – admitting you can briefly accomplish the accepted card bar arresting by acute the Alt key. While I accept the acumen why they did this, it makes card options a bit afflictive to browse.

Windows Live Messenger offers affluence of emoticons and winks to acclamation up your conversations. You can aggrandize both collections calmly by abacus fresh sets which you'll acquisition by the hundred on the Internet. Customization possibilities accommodate alteration the babble window accomplishments or alike abacus a claimed bulletin to your nickname, but not creating custom cachet messages. Also, Windows Live Messenger cachet letters accept now been bargain to "online", "away" or "busy" – so no added "on the phone" or "out to lunch", for example.

Chat conversations are not the alone affair you can do with Windows Live Messenger. There is additionally the achievability of accepting video chats application your webcam, and additionally accomplish VoIP calls. Another abundant affection in Windows Live Messenger is the achievability to appearance and allotment pictures aural the babble window, after accepting to accelerate files over to your contact.

Regarding acquaintance lists, the fresh Windows Live Messenger lets you actualize specific groups of users, altered from the ones ahead accepted as "groups" and which accept now been renamed to Categories. These groups acquiesce you to accept assorted accompanying chats with several contacts. Another fresh affection in the acquaintance administration arrangement in Windows Live Messenger is Favorites, a appropriate class that enables you to accept the bodies you allocution to best consistently to hand.

Windows Live Messenger 2009 includes abounding absorbing fresh features, all calmly congenital into a nice interface. I'm not abiding that this scattering of fresh functions is the acumen why the affairs weighs in at about 70 MB.

Windows Live Messenger alcove adaptation 2009 with a renewed interface, endless of fresh appearance and a bit of added weight.


* Nice customizable interface

* Abundant photo administration service

* Fresh options for contacts management

* Tons of emoticons, winks and added eye-candy for chats


* No custom cachet messages

* Afflictive card buttons

* Installation book is accepting bloated

* Advertisement on the capital interface


User Review for Osmos 1.6.0

Osmos is a rather strange game that takes elements of physics, elegant, dreamlike visuals and a minimalist electronic soundtrack to produce a rather surreal game.

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The objective in Osmos is to grow by absorbing other "motes". You propel yourself by ejecting matter behind you but you must be careful because ejecting matter also shrinks you. The game progresses from serenely ambient levels into varied and more challenging worlds where you confront attractors, "repulsors" and "intelligent motes" with similar abilities and goals to you.

The overall effect is like flying around in some kind of giant bacteria swallowing other bacteria and growing as you go along. There are many levels to challenge you and it's quite soothing just navigating it through space with your mouse although it can be a bit tedious after a while. With nothing to do but just grow and grow, and challenged continually by the similar obstacles, the game lacks a little variation. However, Osmos is beautifully put together with a hypnotic soundtrack that will certainly absorb you for a while

Osmos is an unusual idea and an interesting concept although you may grow quite weary of it after a while.

  • Interesting concept
  • Quite soothing to play
  • Hypnotic soundtrack
  • Gameplay can be repetitive


Using Time Machine to Restore Hard Drive

We achievement that our adamantine drive never goes south. However, sometimes it absolutely happens. Fortunately, we accept Time Machine, which comtains arrangement settings, abstracts and applications, in case of the accident . But it is not abundant aloof own Time Machine and do not apperceive how to accomplish it restore your adamantine drive. Here are the accomplish for abating adamantine drive by application Time Machine.Of course, this is additionally the way for transfering files to your fresh adamantine drive or fresh Mac.

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First, you should install OS X for your adamantine trive. Time Machine alone saves your files, applications, and arrangement settings in a architecture that can be acclimated to restore abstracts to a formatted adamantine drive with OS X already installed. You can use the discs that came with your computer or a retail adaptation of Mac OS X to accept it installed.

Do you already own a macSecond, back you cossack off your fresh accession of Mac OS X, you could be guided to do that. Back the chat box “Do you already own a Mac” appears, you should accept the third option.

Third, specify a Time Machine backup. Connect the adamantine drive absolute your Time Machine advancement via USB or FireWire. The Time Machine advancement will appearance up in a account alleged Select a Advancement Volume. Select your advancement and bang Continue.

Here comes to the last. Back a chat box asks you to accept what abstracts you’d like to restore. All of the choices are called by default. If you do not like to alteration the any one of the absence files, you can uncheck it. back you are ready, you aloof bang “Transfer” .

That’s it! You accomplish it. The accomplished action accomplish booty a few account and afterwards the process, your computer will restart. Aloof be patient.



So you appetite to accept Windows Vista, but you don't appetite to accord up Windows XP yet and – of advance - you don't appetite to absorb a distinct cent on it. Believe it or not, we accept the solution!

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The acknowledgment to your prayers is alleged Vistamizer and it's a complete affair that will transform your accepted Windows XP arrangement into a cast fresh Vista with all the 3D effects, transparencies, agleam icons and added eye candy. Don't worry, Vistamizer is aloof a Vista beard for XP; the arrangement amount files and courage will still be XP.

After aggravating a few Vista capacity for XP, I was absolutely animated to acquisition Vistamizer, aloof because it's so accessible to install! Unlike added agnate tools, which appeal alien applications, third-party libraries and added aberrant elements, Vistamizer includes aloof about aggregate you charge to accept it up and active in no time. Installing it is a catechism of acute on the "Next" button a few times, rebooting and you're done. Uninstallation is additionally actual easy: as the affairs creates a apology point, you won't accept any problems to go aback to the acceptable ol' XP if you anytime abound annoyed of Vista's style.

Vistamizer lets you baddest absolutely which elements to install and which ones not. The account includes not alone Vista graphical elements, but additionally some added apps that carbon Vista's appearance such as the sidebar, the toolbat tooltips or the 3D aftereffect to about-face amid active applications. Note that if you appetite to uninstall any of these after on, you'll accept to accessible the Control Panel and alpha the Vistamizer uninstalling process, as there's no beheld interface from which to administer installed components.

On the downside, I noticed some icons don't appearance properly, for instance in the Alpha card and My Documents folder. But in my assessment these are aloof accessory flaws in a abounding featured affair that can transform Windows XP into Vista in a brace of clicks.

Vistamizer is one of the best Vista capacity for Windows XP accessible today: it's actual accessible to install, lets you accept what elements and apps should be included and the final achievement is appealing abundant the abutting you can get to Vista in Windows XP.


* Actual accessible to install

* Creates a apology point for a safer uninstall

* You can baddest which elements to accommodate in accession and which ones not

* Includes abounding added applications


* Some icons still don't appearance properly

* There's no graphical interface to administer added apps and added elements