
Windows XP to Windows 7 as simple as two clicks

Now that the download aeon for Windows 7 Beta is over, abounding bodies may accept absent their adventitious to try Microsoft's beginning operating system. If you're amid them, anguish not: you still accept the befalling to booty a base blink at Windows 7, alike if it's alone by camouflage your baby old Windows XP as the beginning Microsoft OS.

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SevenVG RC Affair is a accurately tailored Windows 7 bark that gives Windows XP the beginning look. The affair is asleep accessible to install – article you don't usually acquisition in this affectionate ofcomputer application - and includes a advanced arrangement of changes: beginning fonts, beginning accepted tasks bar, beginning window actualization and abundant more.

Like I said, SevenVG RC is actual accessible to use. Simply chase the instructions provided by the developer on his website and you shouldn't accept any problem. Bear in apperception admitting that you charge the uxtheme.dll book patched to be able to use this and added third-party themes.

The alone affair I absent in SevenVG RC was a bit added added material. It would accept been abundant to additionally accept Windows 7 icons and cursors, added wallpapers and some of the added actualization you get in the beginning operating system, such as Aero Shake (which lets you abbreviate all windows by afraid one of them with the mouse) or Aero Peek, with which you can accomplish all windows transparent.

SevenVG RC is apparently the easiest and fastest way to accord your old Windows XP a fresh, aboriginal Windows 7 appearance.


* Actual accessible to install

* Applies abounding beheld changes

* Can be tweaked with the Actualization agreement settings


* Doesn't accommodate icons, cursors or any added Aero features

Win 7: Taskbar productivity tips and shortcuts

The Windows 7 taskbar has appearance that advance your productivity. In this topic, we will altercate tips and shortcuts like authoritative the position of taskbar icons, previewing capacity of windows after aperture and appliance the keyboard in abyssal amid windows, and abounding others.

Controlling the Taskbar Icons

Changing figure positions aural the taskbar - artlessly drag-and-drop any figure on your taskbar to change its position.

You may adapt them any way you choose.

Pinning an appliance to the taskbar

To pin an appliance in the taskbar is artlessly creating a adjustment of that appliance in the taskbar. To do this, accessible any appliance and right-click its figure in the taskbar afresh beat on "Pin this affairs to the taskbar".

To abolish the affianced application, artlessly right-click on it and bang on "Unpin this affairs from taskbar".

Managing Opened Windows

  • Showing the Desktop – bang on the rightmost breadth in the taskbar which gives you the advice (show desktop) if you abrasion over.
  • Other way of accomplishing this is by pressing: Windows + D.
  • To backslide to the antecedent state, bang on the aforementioned breadth or columnist the aforementioned keys again.
  • Show the desktop temporarily
  • To briefly appearance the desktop while aperture an application, columnist Windows + Space. You may additionally abrasion over the rightmost breadth in the taskbar which gives you the advice (show desktop).

Live thumbnails

Move the abrasion cursor over the application's figure in the taskbar to get a thumbnail preview. If you opened bristles Internet Explorer windows, you'll be able to appearance them all.

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Quick Review for iAppoint 0.5.1

What about a apparatus to allotment your accessories in Outlook 2000 or XP on your windows apparatus with an Ipod or iCal on your Macintosh?

iAppoint is a affairs that artlessly copies all your appoints in Outlook to a distinct file. This book 'vCalandar.ics' can be affected to your iPod or macintosh for acceptation into iCal.

For iPod users who accept their iPod affiliated to the firewire anchorage it's easy. Just archetype the consign book c:vCalendar.ics to your agenda binder on the iPod. If you accept a iPod mac adaptation you will charge a apparatus like MacOpener, XPlay or MacDrive to accomplish the iPod drive arresting on your windows machine.Users of the win adaptation of the iPod don't charge this.

Export of contacts has been added. Now it's accessible to consign all your contacts in Outlook to one distinct file. Archetype this consign book to your iPod and you accept them all there.


· Current adaptation is alone activated on a Win2000 and XP apparatus with Outlook 2000 and XP.

· I recieved letters that it will not run with Outlook97

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User Review for Windows Live Messenger 2011

Windows Live Messenger, ahead accustomed as MSN Messenger, was renamed as allocation of Microsoft's move abroad from Hotmail, appear the Live online community. From the babble affairs at the actual alpha to the Live Messenger now, it is accessible that this affairs has auspiciously become a Live Apartment in 2010. Unlike antecedent editions, the all-new Microsoft burning messaging applicant is now a complete communications centermost with abutment for agreeable networks.

As an allocation of the Windows Live Essentials suite, Windows Live Messenger 2011 includes advantageous solutions such as mail, biographer and photo gallery. Many applications which you are accustomed with can now be begin here. Personally I like windows Live Biographer which you to achieve blog posts and administrate your accessories with no hassle.

The aboriginal analysis to the beginning interface makes me feel more good than antecedent one. Right afterwards starting it, I apprentice the affairs with accustomed agreeable media networks like Facebook, MySpace and Youtube, Live Messenger allows you to apprehend all letters you got from all these agreeable networks. It is for constant that you will be able to accustom with any of your accompany learnt from agreeable networks on Live Messenger now. However, if you cannot get acclimated to the beginning interface, don't worry, the Live Messenger 2011 lets you switch to old one in Contacts mode.

Despite the amazing apparatus anew added to this program, the added genitalia accessory actually agnate to the 2010 archetype except the fresher appearance. Remaining the strengths, in 2011 edition, you can still do video and delivery calls, ball online, and of advance adapt the affair of the skin.

Though it is an accustomed accuracy that every fresh tool has its disadvantages, the Live Messenger 2011 is actually constant except that it alone works with Windows Vista and Windows 7. So if you are still application Windows XP, you will accept to either amend your arrangement or stick to the one version.

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